We always knew Frank Cammarata was special, but now all of Boston is in on the secret! Take a look at the recent article in Boston Voyager, a popular online magazine. We think the magazine captured Frank perfectly!
Meet Frank Cammarata of Camtrade Footwear
September 4, 2018
Today we’d like to introduce you to Frank Cammarata.
Frank, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
I started Camtrade Footwear in late 2013 when I determined after a significant amount of research that there was a demand for a brand-centric, stylish, quality, comfortable shoe in the women’s footwear sector — at an accessible, mid-level price.
We then carefully crafted our brands Secret Celebrity® and Soft Comfort® to support this platform of fashion, quality, comfort and outstanding value. Our goal was to consistently deliver fresh and alluring product to the retailer while building trust and confidence with our end consumer.
We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
The shoe business is quite complicated. On a general basis, it involves trend-spotting, forecasting, design and development, prototype analysis, fit-testing, quality control, sizes and widths, manufacturing, logistics, fulfillment centers, PR and marketing, sales, customer service and so on. Although ‘brick and mortar’ retailers are our primary and favored business, we have adapted to online and direct-shipping needs to the consumer and have implemented that into our business model.
Our organizational staff is still relatively small by industry standards. However, our associates are experienced, hard-working, conscientious and very dedicated to making Camtrade the best company it can possibly be, thus sharing in the rewards and benefits of our long-term success. We tend to be laser-focused and apply simple and pragmatic solutions to some complex challenges that the shoe business brings. This has been very impactful to our success.
In addition, over the last several years we have invested a significant amount in research & development and market testing. This has provided a wealth of information and great learning opportunities which helps us manage efficiencies and avoid costly missteps.
How do you, personally, define success? What’s your criteria, the markers you’re looking out for, etc?
I personally define success as loving what you do and seeing people around you grow, flourish and succeed, in small part due to my own mentoring. That, to me, is what’s truly gratifying. And as important as work is, it’s vital to create harmony and balance in your life with family, friends and blessed good health. I am honored to work towards this goal, each and every day.
- Secret Celebrity: $49.99 to $79.99
- Secret Celebrity Athleisure Collection: $49.99 to $69.99
- Soft Comfort: $39.99 to $59.99
Contact Info:
- Phone: 978-263-1105
- Email: info@camtradeinc.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/softcomfortshoes;
- Facebook: info@camtradeinc.com
- Other: www.secretcelebrityshoes.com https://www.facebook.com/SecretCelebrityShoes/ https://www.instagram.com/secretcelebrityshoes